When I last visited ReefCI’s marine conservation volunteer programme ( Nov-Dec 2013) it’s fair to say that I absolutely loved it. I was enthused enough to put together a blog not just to show the fun I was having and the knowledge I was gaining, but also to tell my family and friends, exactly what, and, how great conservation work is to do and also how great environmental outcomes can be delivered as a sustainable business though an NGO.
After my visit in November ReefCI
asked me to feedback my experience to a set of questions. I was truly genuinely “flummoxed”. The reality was I couldn’t find the right words to describe the experience, the sense of purpose to both putting “something back”, and, the excitement of learning something so totally different and yet be on holiday. Maybe I had used all my words up in compiling my blog?
The real answer is, of course, it's a real challenge to sum up a magical experience with just a few words, on an email. Patently it proved almost impossible for me as the ReefCI team are still waiting for my feedback.
So how about this?
I have travelled to many places in many ways and to do different activities and meet different people.
So ReefCI team, the best way I could find to show you how amazing you are because of what you do, and, what you give us, your guests and students, is that I CAME BACK! (and with a vengeance)– Didn’t I?

<<<<< drum major
And yet again I have met some amazing people, from all different walks of life, ages and backgrounds, students, financial people, engineers, lawyers, retired teachers, park rangers, and this time a whole “flotilla” of coast guard cadets being trained in Scuba….All these people are also committed to marine conservation so our common thread meant we had a great time working, diving, and holidaying together.
This time round we are using pseudonyms for our blog of our journey. No doubt some of you will recognise yourselves.
It was an absolute pleasure meeting with you, learning with you, surveying with you and culling lionfish with you; may we meet soon to repeat the experience!