So why?

Off on a diving trip with a difference, - A holiday but helping to restore ecosystem balance on the reefs...... I couldn't resist.

A promise was made by ReefCI the NGO I went to work with that I would make a difference.

I did!
(this blog will not be grammatically correct - this I know -don't complain - just enjoy, and laugh at me if you can't laugh with me. ;-)

Monday, May 5, 2014

A bit of a shock and and some great fish

During the early morning of the Tuesday having dived once the previous day, I was quietly sitting reading in a hammock when I spotted some movement in the sea just off the coast. With my morning coffee I was treated to the sight of a pod of dolphins, obviously on the hunt for breakfast.
In itself an amazing sight, and one I was not quick enough to capture on my camera, Grrrrr.
However I did capture this breakfast visitor to my cabana instead.
He was hungry
 But on to the stationary things on the Tuesday Dives........
Ever tried to photograph a fish when you haven't done it for a while...

The View Underwater in a drift current
Quadruple Sponge
Big Sponge
Cushion Starfish
Brain Coral with new Growth
Flower Coral
Lettuce  Coral
Outcrop with sponges, soft coral and fans

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